The Project Concept
For this unit, we’re done with the 3 texts we’ve been reading. Now we shift to your book project. Instead of creating a traditional academic “research paper” on your topic, this assignment is intended to be more fun, interesting. and more online. The format of your project’s output will be a post (a web page) you create on this website. That news is probably exciting to some of you and probably scary or panic-producing to others. If the idea of creating a web page is scary because you’ve never done anything like that and you don’t think of yourself as a “techie”, then don’t worry. There’s plenty of help available. I have done this type of assignment in the past with other classes and all has gone smoothly. In fact, if you can write a post on a Desire2Learn forum page then you can create a web page using WordPress.
Your web page should contain much of the same information that a “research paper” would contain and much of the research process will be similar. However, you don’t need to confine yourself to the style limitations of a research paper. You can be creative – add pictures, links to other pages and websites. You can embed Youtube videos or add audio if you wish. In fact, I strongly urge you to find Youtube or TEDtalks or other videos or graphics from the web that you can embed into your website to enhance the story you are telling.
Please read through these sub-pages here:
- The Book Project Assignment: How-To Step-by-Step
- How to Create Your Project Page In WordPress
- Book List
- Book Project Multiple Choice Question Form